Goals of the DWH (Data WareHouse)

Goals of the Data Warehouse according to the book “The Data Warehouse Toolkit” by Ralph Kimball: 

  1. The DWH/BI system must make information easily accessible
  1. The DWH/BI system must present information consistently
  1. The DWH/BI system must adapt to change
  1. The DWH/BI system must present information in a timely way.  
  1. The DWH/BI system must be a secure bastion that protects the information assets.  
  1. The DWH/BI system must serve as the authoritative and trustworthy foundation for improved decision making.  
  1. The business community must accept the DWH/BI system to deem it successful.  

I would add to this list: 

  1. The DWH/BI system must contain all the necessary data to make decisions. One reason to have a DWH in the first place is in order to combine data from several different sources in order to facilitate integral decision making.   

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