Difference between Python Libraries, Packages and Modules

I’ve been using Python for a few years now and I have been using libraries, packages and modules during those years and took them for granted

I have never stopped and wondered how these relate to each other.

The way I understand it, the relation between libraries, packages and modules is hierarchical: libraries consist of related packages (and modules) and packages consist of related modules:

Libraries > Packages > Modules

Libraries are generally a collection of packages and modules that provide a set of related functionalities.

Packages are a way of organizing related modules into a directory structure. A package is a directory containing Python modules and a special __init__.py file, which can be empty. For instance, a package “calculations” might contain modules like “basic_math.py”, “statistics.py” and “geometry.py”.

Modules are fundamental units of code organization in Python. A module is simply a single Python file containing functions, classes and variables. For example a module named “basic_math.py” containing mathematical functions would be considered a module.

To illustrate the concepts of modules, packages, and libraries in Python, along with the role of __init__.py, let’s consider a hypothetical example of a data analysis toolkit.

Example Structure

├── __init__.py
├── statistics/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── descriptive.py
│   └── inferential.py
├── visualization/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── plots.py
│   └── charts.py
└── utils/
    ├── __init__.py
    └── helpers.py

Breakdown of Components


In this example, the individual .py files are modules:

  • descriptive.py and inferential.py in the statistics package
  • plots.py and charts.py in the visualization package
  • helpers.py in the utils package

Each of these modules might contain related functions and classes. For instance, descriptive.py could contain functions for calculating mean, median, and mode.


The directories with __init__.py files are packages:

  • statistics
  • visualization
  • utils

These packages group related modules together. The statistics package, for example, contains modules related to statistical operations.


The entire data_analysis_toolkit directory can be considered a library. It’s a collection of packages and modules that provide a set of related functionalities for data analysis.

Role of __init__.py

The __init__.py files play several important roles:

  1. Package Marker: They indicate that a directory should be treated as a Python package1.
  2. Initialization Code: They can contain code that runs when the package is imported2.
  3. Namespace Control: They can define which modules and names are exported when from package import * is used2.
  4. Simplifying Imports: They can be used to provide a simpler API by importing specific functions from submodules.

Let’s look at some examples of how __init__.py might be used in our data analysis toolkit:

Example 1: Main __init__.py

# data_analysis_toolkit/__init__.py

from .statistics import descriptive, inferential
from .visualization import plots, charts
from .utils import helpers

__all__ = ['descriptive', 'inferential', 'plots', 'charts', 'helpers']

This allows users to import directly from the main package:

from data_analysis_toolkit import descriptive, plots

Example 2: Subpackage __init__.py

# data_analysis_toolkit/statistics/__init__.py

from .descriptive import mean, median, mode
from .inferential import t_test, chi_square

__all__ = ['mean', 'median', 'mode', 't_test', 'chi_square']

This allows users to import specific functions without knowing the exact module:

from data_analysis_toolkit.statistics import mean, t_test

Example 3: Initialization Code

# data_analysis_toolkit/__init__.py

print("Initializing Data Analysis Toolkit")

# Set up logging or other initialization tasks
import logging

This code will run whenever the package is imported, allowing for setup tasks or displaying information.


In this example, we’ve seen how modules (individual .py files) are organized into packages (directories with __init__.py), which collectively form a library (data_analysis_toolkit). The __init__.py files play a crucial role in defining the package structure, controlling imports, and potentially running initialization code. This organization helps in creating a clean, modular, and easy-to-use Python library.

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