So you’ve created a wonderful instance method for your class.
However, you would like to use the instance attributes created in that first instance method, in a second instance method WITHOUT calling the first instance method.
In that case you can use the following inside your second instance method: self.first_instance_method()
# Using an instance method inside another instance method in Python
class VeryCoolClass:
# Constructer method
def __init__(self):
# First instance method
def first_instance_method(self):
# Instance attribute
self.instance_attribute = 'Look at this'
# Second instance method that calls the first instance method
def second_instance_method(self, add: str=' but not at this'): # Default value of parameter "add" is ' but not at this'
# Printing the instance_attribute and adding the content of the "add" parameter
print(self.instance_attribute + add)
# Instantiation (creating a new instance)
instance_of_very_cool_class = VeryCoolClass()
# Only calling the second instance; this means that the first_instance_method is called indirectly
instance_of_very_cool_class.second_instance_method(add=' but also at this!') # Output: Look at this but also at this!